Thursday, September 5, 2013

That College Grind...

    It's here.  The time of college applications.  The endless string of online information, questions, essays, work experience, extra curricular activities and financial information.  The hours of sitting in front of a computer screen mindlessly filling out information.   Worse, the hours spent sitting in front of a computer screen racking your brain for unique topics and interesting hooks... anything that'll set you apart from the crowd.  Just in case I haven't made this clear enough: I am NOT having fun.
    If I had the choice to, I would sit down in front of every school I'm applying to and tell them why I'm different.  I would bring my transcript and test scores and I would talk.  I'm very good at talking :D  Unfortunately, even if I do schedule an interview I have to fill out the application anyways.  So here I am.  I am in the process of applying to some of the countries most prestigious Ivy-league schools for free.  I found this amazing program for low-income families that allows students who've done well academically to apply for full-ride scholarships to extremely nice schools.  I am very excited - about the prospect of going to an Ivy-league of course, not applying to one.  It's been an interesting process but I'm almost there.  I only the have the one thing left to do, the most dreaded part... the essays.
    How can a paper possibly do a person justice?  How can I describe all that I am, all that I have come through, accomplished, and long for in 800 words?  Let me just tell you, I am stumped.  Because not only do I have to do that, I have to show how everything I've done, accomplished, and all that I long for is DIFFERENT from what every other college applicant has done and longs for.  It's a tricky piece of writing this college essay.  So I'm using all of you as practice... sorry about that.  I need some way to get back in the hang of writing, even informally.
   This little venting session has been good for me.   I think I might be able to get an alright first draft going that after ten different versions and edits could be something great.  Thanks for the help!

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